Thursday 26 January 2017

REST UP !! Break the chemistry problem

Way to learn chemistry

This session consist 3 parts

part -1

Test your knowledge with simple chemistry test on regular basis...

This will prepare you for your Exam and assesses your level of understanding of chemistry to date.

Give the Name :

1 - Pure substances made up of one type of atom .
2- A tabular arrangement of elements in groups and periods.
3 -The number of vertical columns in modern periodic table.
4 - The number of shells determines ,present in an atom.
5 - The number of electrons determines ,present in the outer most shell.
6 - Shortest period.
7 - short periods. 
8 - Long periods.
9 - Longest period.
10 - These elements of third period summarise  the properties of their respective group.
11 - The properties that reappear at regular intervals.
12 - The elements of this group are coloured non metals, slightly soluble in water but they 
       dissolve much better in organic solvents.
13 - The certain definite circular path in which electrons revolve.
14 - The combining capacity of the atom of an element.
15 - The charge present in the nucleus of an atom.
16 - This is always larger than his parent atom.
17 - Cation of an atom called a Proton.
18 - Elements which have a tendency to gain electrons.
19 - The most reactive nonmetal.
20 - The energy required to remove an electron from a neutral isolated gaseous atom.
21 - The amount of energy is released to added electrons in an atom.
22 - The tendency of an atom in a molecule to attract the shared pair of electrons.
23 - The special name of the  elements which show the diagonal relationship to show  
        resemblance in properties with the elements of the next group.
24 - The basic tendency of an atom which makes it to combine with other atoms.
25 - The force of attraction between two atoms,in a molecule to maintain stability.
26 - Name the bond formed when the shared paired electron contributed by only one of the 
       combining atoms.
27 - The chemical compounds formed as a result of the transfer of electron.
28 - Most electropositive element.
29 - Most ionic compound.
30 - What type of compounds are usually formed between metals and non metals. 
31 - Name the process in which oxidation and reduction simultaneously evolved.
32 - The process by which covalent compounds are converted into ions. 
33 - What type of bond is formed when shared pair of electrons are not at equal distance.
34 - a molecule that has both,slight positive and negative charge .
35 - A pair of electrons which is not shared with any other atom. 
36 - which element is common in all acid ?
37 - Name the hydrated hydrogen ion that exists in the solution of acid.
38 - Acids which are usually obtained from plants.
39 - Acids which are obtained usually from minerals. 
40 - A acid turns blue litmus into pink and used in soft drinks.
41 - The acid present in vinegar.
42 - Name an acid has basicity four.
43 - Name an acid which is highly corrosive in nature even ,should not be tasted.
44 - The substances that acquire separate colours in acidic and basic mediums .
45 - Substances whose smell changes in in acidic or basic solution.
46- Substance do not react with any of the dilute acids.
47 - A by-product of a variety of human activities that release oxides of sulphur and 
48 - Name an acid used to remove ink spots.
49 - an acid used as an eye wash.
50 - A basic hydroxide which soluble in water.
51 - Name one strong alkalis.
52 - Name a hydroxide which is amphoteric in nature .
53 - Name a base used in manufacture of soap.
54 - Substance which is used to remove grease stains from clothes.
55 - The salts are formed by the partial replacement of the ionisable hydrogen atomsof a p             polybasic acid by a metal or an ammonium ion.
56 - Name a insoluble sulphate salt.
57- The phenomenon due to which salt formed by a weak acid and a strong base ,or by a 
       weak base and a strong acid,reacts with water to give an acidic or an alkaline solution.
58 - The process by which an acid neutralised with soluble base.
59 - A chemical change in which a compound breaks up into its elements or simpler 
60 - A chemical change in which a more active element displaces a less active element from
       its salt solution.
61 - A chloride which is insoluble in cold water but dissolves in hot water.
62 - Process by which hydrogen ions of an acid react completely with the hydroxyl ions of 
63 - Compound used in health salts.
64 - The white ,needle - shaped crystals are hydrated zinc sulphate.
65 - A chemical change ,in which two compounds in solution react to form two other 
       compounds by the mutual exchange of radicals.
66 - The crackling sound produce on heating crystals of sodium chloride.
67 - The property of some substances to lose wholly or partially their water of crystallisation
        when their crystals are exposed to dry air even for a short time.
68 - The substances absorbs moisture from the atmosphere without dissolving in it.
69 - The substances absorb moisture from the atmospheric air to become moist,and 
       ultimately dissolve in it.
70 - The impurities present in commercial version of salt.


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