Friday 26 January 2018

Mystery of Chemistry (PART I)


This session offers you a collection of Chemistry Questions which test your knowledge. In this post I have include some interesting basic Chemistry. Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the composition , structure and properties of matter. This is the short key notes for Board (ICSE and CBSE) Preparation to score high marks.

1-M is an element in the form of a powder. M burns in oxygen and the product obtained is soluble in water. The solution is tested with litmus. Write down only the word which will correctly complete each of the following sentences.If M is a metal , then the litmus will turn..........?
(a) M is a non-metal , then the litmus will turn.......?
(b) If M is a reactive metal. then........ will be evolved when M reacts with dilute Sulphuric acid.
(c) If M is a metal , it will form........oxide , which will form.........solution with water.
(d) If M is a non-metal, it will not conduct electricity in the form of..........?

2- For each of the salt : A , B , C , and D , suggest a suitable method of its preparation.
 (a) A is a sodium salt.
 (b) B is a insoluble salt.
 (c) C is a soluble salt of copper.
 (d) D is a soluble salt of Zinc.

3- A solution has a pH of 7. Explain how you would increase its pH and decrease its pH.
4- Solution P has a pH of 13 , solution Q has a pH of 6, and solution R has a pH of 2. Which solution:
(a)will liberate ammonia from ammonium sulphate on heating ?
(b)is a strong acid?
(c)contains molecules as well as ions?

5- Pick out the correct answer in the following list : Sodium carbonate , anhydrous calcium chloride , copper sulphate - 5 - water.:-
 (a)What name is given to the water in the compound copper sulphate - 5 - water ?
 (b)If copper sulphate - 5 - water is heated , anhydrous copper sulphate is formed. What is its color ?
 (c)By what means , other than heating , could you dehydrate copper sulphate - 5 - water andobtain anhydrous copper sulphate.
 (d)Which one of the salts in the given list is deliquescent?

6 - From the formula listed below , choose one , in each case , corresponding to the salt having thegiven description :- AgCl , CuCO₃ , CuSO₄ 5H₂O, KNO₃ , NaCl, NaHSO₄ , Pb(NO₃)₂ , ZnCO₃ , ZnSO₄.7H₂O.
 (a)An acid salt.
 (b)An insoluble chloride.
 (c)On treating with concentrated sulphuric acid , this salt changes from blue to white.
 (d)On heating , this salt changes from green to black.
 (d)This salt gives nitrogen dioxide on heating.

7 - What will be the effect of the following solutions on blue litmus ?
(a)Aqueous solution of sodium carbonate.
(b)Aqueous solution of magnesium chloride.

8 - Why solid ferric chloride is stored in air tight bottles?

9 - From the list of metals given below , select a metal whose hydroxide is soluble in sodium hydroxide solution ; Calcium , magnesium , iron , zinc.

10 - Give the name and formula of the acid salt which gives sodium ions and sulphate ions in solution.
11 - State your observations when :
  (a)Lead nitrate solution and sodium chloride solution are mixed.
 (b)Zinc chloride solution , zinc nitrate solution and zinc sulphate solutions are added individuallyto barium chloride solution and lead nitrate solution.

12 - Write the probable color of the following salts.
 (a) Ferrous salts
 (b) Ammonium salts
 (c) Cupric salts 
 (d) Calcium salts 
 (e) Aluminium salts

13 - On adding dilute ammonia solution to a colorless solution of a salt , a white gelatinous precipitate appears. This precipitate however dissolves on addition of excess of ammoniasolutions. 
(a) Which metal salt solution was used ?
(b) What is the formula of the white gelatinous precipitate obtained ?

14 - You are provided with two reagent bottles marked A and B. One of which contains NH₄OH solution and the other contains NaOH solution. How will you identify them by a chemical test.

15 - how will you distinguish lead carbonate and zinc carbonate in solution ?

16 - A solution of cane sugar does not conduct electricity , but a solution of sodium chloride is a good conductor.
17 - Why can't we store AgNO₃ solution in copper vessel ?

18 - When a dilute aqueous solution of sodium chloride is electrolysed between platinum electrodes,hydrogen gas is evolved at cathode but mettalic sodium is not deposited. Why?

19 - A solution of caustic soda (NaOH) in water or when fused conducts an electric current. What is the similarity in these two cases ?

20 - Guess the blanks - The electroplating an articles with nickel requires an.......which must be a solution containing......ions. The article to be plated is placed as the........ of the cell in whichthe plating is carried out. The..... of the cell is made from pure nickel.The ions that are attracked to the negative electrode and discharged are called...
21 - Element X is a metal with a valency 2. Element Y is a non-metal with a valency of 3.
 (a) Write equations to show how X and Y form ions.
 (b) If Y is a diatomic gas , write the equation for the direct combination of X and Y to form acompound.
 (c) If the compound form between X and Y is melted and the electric current passed through the molten compound , the element X will be obtained at the........and Y at the.......of the electrolyticcell.

22 - What kind of particles will be found in a liquid compound which is a non- electrolyte?

23 - Explain why (a) Cu , though a good conductor of electricity is a non- electrolyte (b) solidsodium chloride does not allow electricity to pass through.

24 - (a) Here is an electrode reaction :
 Cu → Cu ²⁺+2e⁻
  (a) At which electrode ( anode or cathode ) would such a reaction take place ? Is this an example ofoxidation or reduction ?
  (b) A solution contains magnesium ions (Mg²⁺) , Iron (∣∣) ions (Fe²⁺) and copper ions (Cu²⁺). On passing a electric current through this solution which ions will be the first to be discharged atthe cathode ? write the equation for the cathode reaction ?
  (c) Why is carbon tetra chloride , which is a liquid , a non-electrolyte ?

25 - A metal article is to be electroplated with silver. The electrolyte selected is sodium argentocyanide.
(a) What kind of salt is sodium argentocyanide ?
(b) Why is it preferred to silver nitrate as a electrolyte ?
(c) State one condition to ensure that the deposit is smooth , firm and long lasting.
(d) Write the reaction taking place at the cathode.
(e) write the reaction taking place at anode.

26 - A compound which liberates reddish brown gas around the anode during electrolysis in its molten state.

27 - Three different electrolyte cells A , B and C are connected in separate circuits. Electrolytic cellA contains sodium chloride solution. When the circuit is completed a bulb in the circuit glowsbrightly. Electrolytic cell B contains acetic acid solution and in this case the bulb in the circuitglows dimly. The electrolytic cell C contains sugar solution and the bulb does not glow. Give areason for each of these observations.

28 - Why are Alkali metals kept in kerosene oil ?
29 - Metal A has electronic configuration of 2 , 8 , 1 and B has 2, 8 , 8 , 2 which is a more reactive metal.
 (a) Identify A and B and give their reactions with dil. HCl and dil. H₂SO₄.
 (b) Give the effect of heat on their : (1) Oxide (2) Hydroxides (3) Carbonates (4) Nitrates.

30 - A student has been collecting silver coins and copper coins. One day she observed black coating on silver coins and a green coating on copper coins. which chemical phenomenon is responsible for these coatings ? write the name of black and green coatings.

31 - Some metallic oxides can be reduced by hydrogen , carbon , and carbon monoxide and some cannot. Explain.
32 - Aluminium is a more active metal than iron , but suffers less corrosion. Why ?
33 - Why Aluminium vessels should not be cleaned with powders containing alkalis ?
34 - Nitric acid can be stored in aluminium containers.
35 - From the metals : copper , iron , magnesium , sodium and zinc select a different metal in each case which :
(a) does not react with dilute hydrochloric acid.
(b)can form 2⁺ and 3⁺ ions.
(c) has a hydroxide that reacts with both acids and alkalis.
(d) does not react with cold water but reacts with steam when heated.

36 - Name an element which reacts with hydrogen to form a compound which is strongly acidic in water.
37 - Explain why dilute hydrochloric acid can not be concentrated by boiling beyond 22.2%.
38 - Black metallic oxide which reacts with hydrochloric acid to give a coloured solution.
39 - Solution A reacts with an acid B (which gives greenish yellow gas on reacting with oxidisingagents like Pb₃O₄) to give white precipitate C insoluble in nitric acid but soluble in ammonium hydroxide. Name A , B , and C.

40 - A substance 'A' was heated with slaked lime and a gas 'B' with a pungent smell was obtained. Name the substance A and B.
41 - A gas 'P' gives dense white fumes with chlorine. its aqueous solution gives a blue color with copper (𝖨𝖨) hydroxide. (a) Name the gas P. (b) Give its formula. (c) Give three uses of P.
42 - Ammonium solution in water gives a blue precipitates when it combines with a solution of copper salt. The blue precipitates further dissolves in excess of ammonia solution to give azureblue solution. Explain with equation.

43 - A gas 'A' reacts with another gas 'B' in the presence of a catalyst to give a colorless gas 'C'. Thegas 'C' when comes in contact with air produces a brown gas 'D'. The solution of 'A' in waterturns red litmus blue. Explain the observations.

44 - In the preparation of nitric acid from KNO₃ concentrated hydrochloric acid is not used in place of concentrated sulphuric acid. Explain why ?
45 - Nitric acid can not be concentrated beyond 68% by the distilltion of a dilute solution of HNO₃. State the reason.
46 - What is passive Iron ?
47 - The action heat on the blue crystalline solid A gives a reddish brown gas B ,a gas which re- lights a glowing splint and leaves a black residue. When gas C which has a rotten egg smell , ispassed through a solution of A , a black precipitate is formed.
 (a) Identify A , B and C
 (b) Write equation for action of heat on A.
 (c) Write equation between solution of A and gas C.

48 - Why only all glass apparatus should be used for the preparation of nitric acid by heatingconcentrated sulphuric acid and potassium nitrate.

49 - A dilute acid B does not normally give hydrogen when reacted with metals but does give a gaswhen reacts with copper. Identify B.

50 - Why a piece of wood becomes black when concentrated sulphuric acid is poured on it ?
51 - Give reason - Brisk effervescence is seen when oil of vitriol is added to sodium carbonate.

52 - How do the boiling point and melting point change in the homologous series of Alcohols ?
53 - Why is pure acetic acid known as glacial acetic acid ?

54 - The two gases A and B are bleaching agents. A is greenish yellow and bleaches due to itsoxidising property while B a colorless gas bleaches due to reduction. Identify A and B.

55 - Name the anion present in each of the following compounds :-
(a) Compound A when warmed with concentrated sulphuric acid gives a gas which fumes inmoist air and which gives dense white fumes with ammonia.
(b) When barium chloride solution is added to a solution of compound B, a white precipitate insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid is formed.
(c) The action of heat on the insoluble compound C produces a gas which turns lime water turbid. 
(d) Compound D when warmed with dilute sulphuric acid gives a gas which turns acidifieddichromate solution green.

56 - Sodium hydroxide solution is added to solution A. A white precipitate is formed which insoluble in excess of sodium hydroxide solution. What is the metal ion present in solution A ?

57 - When ammonium hydroxide is added to solution B , a pale blue precipitate formed. This pale blue precipitate dissolves in excess ammonium hydroxide giving an inky blue solution. Name is the cation present in solution B ? What is the probable color of solution B ?

58 - When an ammonium salt is warmed with sodium hydroxide solution, ammonia gas is evolved.State three ways in which you could identify this gas ?

59 - Identify the substance :-
 (a) 'A' is a white solid. When heated heated produces white fumes (sublime).
 (b) 'A' and 'B' on warming produce an alkaline gas.
 (c) On adding water to 'C' heat is evolved and 'B' is formed.
 (d) 'D' burns brightly in the air to form 'C'.
 (e) When 'E' is heated , it gives off brown fumes and leaves a black residue of 'F'.
 (f) A solution of 'G' is formed by warming 'F' with dilute nitric acid.
 (g) 'H' is a gaseous non metallic element that reacts with hydrogen to form ''I.
 (h) A solution of 'I' will neutrallise the solution of 'B'.

60 - Among these salts solutions( A to F) pick out the answers the questions ;-
A. Copper nitrateB. Iron (II) sulphate C.Iron (III) chloride D. Lead nitrateE.Magnesium sulphate F. Zinc chloride
 (a) which two solutions will give a white precipitate when treated with dilute hydrochloric acidfollowed by barium chloride solution ?
 (b) Which two solution will give a white precipitate when treated with dilute nitric acid followedby silver nitrate solution.
 (c) Which solution will give a white precipitate when either dilute hydrochloric acid or dilutesulphuric acid is added to it.
 (d) Which solution becomes a deep inky blue color when excess of ammonium hydroxide is added to it.

61 - Select from the list given (A to E) one substance in each case which matches the description given in parts (a to b).
 A.Nitroso Iron (II) sulphate B. Iron (III) chloride C.Chromium sulphate D.Lead (II)chloride E.Sodium chloride
(a) A compound which is deliquescent.
(b) A compound which is insoluble in cold water , but soluble in hot water.
(c) The compound responsible for the brown ring during the brown test of nitrate ion.
(d) A compound whose aqueous solution is neutral in nature.
(e) The compound which is responsible for the green coloration when sulphur di oxide is passed through acidified potassium dichromate solution. 

For any queries and suggestion please post a comment. Keep in touch for next session . !! 

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