Sunday 29 January 2017

Chemistry - Part 3

Chemistry part -3

Give the Answer :

1 - The substance highly soluble in water but do'nt occur as mineral.
2 - What is the reason of pungent smell which one encounters near a toilet.
3 - The substance is used in order to get dry Ammonia .
4 - Method of collecting Ammonia gas.
5 - The gas which is prepared by Haber's Process.
6 - Gas which gives dense white fumes with Ammonia.
7 - One salt of Ammonia in  which is used in dry cell.
8 - One salt of Ammonia which is used in Explosive.
9 - One salt of Ammonia is used in Medicine.
10 - An acidic gas Which reacts with a basic gas liberating a neutral gas.
11 - The gas obtained when Ammonia burns in an atmosphere of oxygen without 
        any catalyst.
12 - A nitride of a divalent metal which reacts with warm water liberating ammonia.
13 - An amphoteric oxide reduced by the basic gas.
14 - A white salt produced by an acid gas and a basic gas.
15 - A metallic chloride soluble in ammonium hydroxide.
16 - The main refrigerant used in ice plants . 
17 - A nitrate of metal which on heating does not give nitrogen dioxide.
18 - A nitrate which on heating leaves no residue behind.
19 - A metal nitrate which on heating is changed into metal oxide.
20 - A metal nitrate which on heating is changed into metal.
21 - A solution which absorbs nitric oxide.
22 - The oxide of nitrogen which turns brown on exposure to air.
23 - The acid known as strong water.
24 - Formation of an oxide coating on a metal ,which makes it inactive.
25 - It acts as a Rocket fuel oxident.
26 - What is T.N.T. ?
27 - Chemical name of the substance formed as brown ring in the test of nitrate                   radical .
28 - Substance generally known as King of Chemicals.
29 - Name any two metals do not react with sulphuric acid under any condition.
30 - A gas which is oxidising as well as reducing agent.
31 - Name the black spongy mass which is formed when all carbohydrates react with
       sulphuric acid.
32 - Name the substance which turns acidified acidified potassium dichromate                     solution green.
33 - White precipitate formed when barium chloride solution is added to sulphuric               acid.
34 - The branch of chemistry which is defined as the study of carbon compounds. 
35 - This characteristic of the carbon atom , by virtue of which it forms four covalent 
36 - The property of self linking of atom of an element through covalent bonds to 
        form straight chains, branched chains and cyclic chains of different size.
37 - A specific type of ring structure of six carbon atoms having cabon - cabon single 
        carbon - carbon double bonds in alternate position.
38 - Compounds having the same molecular formula but different structural formula.
39 - The group of organic compounds having a similar structure and similar chemical         properties in which the successive compounds differ by a CH2 group.
40 - The group determines mainly the physical properties of an organic compound.
41 - The group responsible for the chemical properties of an organic compound.
42 - The hydrocarbons which are unreactive under ordinary condition.
43 - The compound usually known as Green house gas.
44 - This is produced by the action of Zn powder and dil. HCl .
45 - Name the compound  which is prepared when water is added to almunium                     carbide at room temperature.
46 - Substance produce when alkanes burn in an insufficient supply of air (oxygen).
47 - Decomposition of a complex hydrocarbon into two or more simpler                                 hydrocarbons.
48 - The compound formed when a mixture of methane and oxygen is compressed to 
        about 120 atmospheric pressure.
49 - The substance used for anaesthetic purpose.
50 - The unsaturated aliphatic hydro - carbons that contain at least one double bond.
51 - The compounds which is responsible for ripening of fruits.
52 - The substance formed when chloro ethane is treated with aqueous potassium 
53 - The reaction when two or more molecules of the same compound associate to             form a bigger molecule.
54 - That the only substance which is absorbed by acidified copper sulphate solution
         in preparation of Acetylene.
55 - This is a tetrahedral molecule.
56 - This is a planer molecule.
57 - This is a linear molecule.
58 - Forms a red precipitate with ammoniacal solution of copper (1) chloride.
59 - This is known as paraffin.
60 - This is known as oleffin.
61 - A compound which will give acetylene (Ethene) gas when treated with water.
62 - What type of reaction both the compound Ethene and Ethyne show.
63 - The spirit of wine.
64 - It is a process of decomposiion of an organic substance by microorganisms to 
        produce useful products along with the evolution of carbon dioxide.
65 - An organic substance which affects that part of brain which control our muscular
       moments and give temporary relief from tiredness.
66 - For which substance, wine tastes like vinegar after  it's been left open for a                    couple of day.
67 - Compound formed when acetic acid and ethanol react together.
68 - Reducing agent used to convert acetic acid to ethanol .
69 - Substance used to change acetic acid to acetic anhydride.
70 - This is obtained from destructive distillation of wood.



Saturday 28 January 2017

Chemistry - Part 2

Chemistry - Part 2

Give the Answer:

1 - Determination of the chemical components in a given sample.
2 - A substance that reacts with another substance.
3 - A important laboratory reagent .
4- The group of elements are generally colored. 
5 - The process of formation of an insoluble solid when solution are mixed.
6 - A metallic hydoxide soluble in excess of NH4OH.
7 - A metallic oxide soluble in excess of caustic soda solution.
8 - Two colored metal ions.
9 - A metal that evolves a gas which burns with a pop sound when boiled with 
     alkali solutions.
10 - Two bases which are not alkalis  but dissolve in strong alkalis.
11 - A colored metallic oxide which dissolves in alkalis to yield colorless solutions.
12 - A colorless cation not a representative element.
13 - The metal chloride which is soluble in Ammonium hydoxide solution.
14 - The salt which gives Ammonia gas when heated with NaOH.
15 - A salt of nitrate which is soluble in water. 
16 - A strong alkali.
17 - A weak alkali.
18 - The substances which show acidic as well as basic character.
19 - A temperature scale with absolute zero as the starting point .
20 - The reactant which is completely used up in a reaction .
21 - The simplest formula which gives the simplest ratio in whole numbers of atom of 
        different elements present in one molecule of the compound.
22 - A salt which is a weak electrolyte.
23 - an inert electrode and an active electrode.

24 - A positively charged non-metallic ion .
25 - The electrode at which reduction occurs.
26 - A non - metallic element which is a conductor of electricity.
27 - A base which is a weak electrolyte.
28 - The electrode which is connected to the positive terminal of battery.
29 - An electrolytic cell and Crucible made of.
30 - It is an electrolytic process of depositing one metal over another metal or
       passing an electric current through a aqueous solution of a compound of the                metal.
31 - A liquid non- metal .
32 - A metal with dull appearance .
33 - A metal with low melting and bowling point.
34 - A nonmetal with very high melting and bowling point.
35 - A metal which can float on water.
36 - A metal which can be cut with knife.
37 - A metal which is a bad conductor heat and electricity.
38 - A non metal which is ductile.
39 - A non metal used in alloy.
40 - A non malleable metal.
41 - A non metal which can form positive ion.
42 - Two metals which are liquid at room temperature.
43 - Two metals react with cold water.
44 - The compound responsible for green deposit on the surface of copper.
45 - A metal whose oxide is reduced only by carbon.
46 - The compound responsible for black coating on silver when it get exposed to 
        the atmosphere.
47 - The compound responsible for white deposit on the surface of lead when it                   comes in contact of moist.
48 - A slow oxidation of iron by oxygen of the air in presence of moisture .
49 - It is a chemical action on the surface of a metal by moisture ,air, or chemical.
50 - The earthly impurities which are  associated with the minerals.
51 - The minerals from which the metals are extracted commercially at low cost with 
        minimum efforts.
52 - A substance that is added in a furnace to remove  impurities.
53 - It is a process of extraction of a metal from its ore.
54 - The process of heating of ore in the excess of air.
55 - The process of heating of ore in the absence of air.
56 - The alloy used in the preparation of steel.
57 - The most abundant metal in the earth.
58 - The acid does not attack the metal Aluminium.
59 - The process of joining broken iron girders ,rails and machine part.
60 - A homogeneous mixture of two or more metals combined in a definite                            proportion .
61 - Black metallic oxide which reacts with hydrochloric  acid to give a colored                     solution.
62 - Two colorless gases ,which when mixed produce a white solid.
63 - Two gases which chemically combine to form a liquid.
64 - A chloride which is soluble in excess of Ammonium hydroxide.
65 - The chemical in which gold can be dissolved.
66 - The experiments which demonstrate that hydrogen chloride is soluble in water.
67 - The gas produced when chlorine water is exposed to sunlight.
68 - The organic solvent in which hydrochloric gas soluble.

Thursday 26 January 2017

REST UP !! Break the chemistry problem

Way to learn chemistry

This session consist 3 parts

part -1

Test your knowledge with simple chemistry test on regular basis...

This will prepare you for your Exam and assesses your level of understanding of chemistry to date.

Give the Name :

1 - Pure substances made up of one type of atom .
2- A tabular arrangement of elements in groups and periods.
3 -The number of vertical columns in modern periodic table.
4 - The number of shells determines ,present in an atom.
5 - The number of electrons determines ,present in the outer most shell.
6 - Shortest period.
7 - short periods. 
8 - Long periods.
9 - Longest period.
10 - These elements of third period summarise  the properties of their respective group.
11 - The properties that reappear at regular intervals.
12 - The elements of this group are coloured non metals, slightly soluble in water but they 
       dissolve much better in organic solvents.
13 - The certain definite circular path in which electrons revolve.
14 - The combining capacity of the atom of an element.
15 - The charge present in the nucleus of an atom.
16 - This is always larger than his parent atom.
17 - Cation of an atom called a Proton.
18 - Elements which have a tendency to gain electrons.
19 - The most reactive nonmetal.
20 - The energy required to remove an electron from a neutral isolated gaseous atom.
21 - The amount of energy is released to added electrons in an atom.
22 - The tendency of an atom in a molecule to attract the shared pair of electrons.
23 - The special name of the  elements which show the diagonal relationship to show  
        resemblance in properties with the elements of the next group.
24 - The basic tendency of an atom which makes it to combine with other atoms.
25 - The force of attraction between two atoms,in a molecule to maintain stability.
26 - Name the bond formed when the shared paired electron contributed by only one of the 
       combining atoms.
27 - The chemical compounds formed as a result of the transfer of electron.
28 - Most electropositive element.
29 - Most ionic compound.
30 - What type of compounds are usually formed between metals and non metals. 
31 - Name the process in which oxidation and reduction simultaneously evolved.
32 - The process by which covalent compounds are converted into ions. 
33 - What type of bond is formed when shared pair of electrons are not at equal distance.
34 - a molecule that has both,slight positive and negative charge .
35 - A pair of electrons which is not shared with any other atom. 
36 - which element is common in all acid ?
37 - Name the hydrated hydrogen ion that exists in the solution of acid.
38 - Acids which are usually obtained from plants.
39 - Acids which are obtained usually from minerals. 
40 - A acid turns blue litmus into pink and used in soft drinks.
41 - The acid present in vinegar.
42 - Name an acid has basicity four.
43 - Name an acid which is highly corrosive in nature even ,should not be tasted.
44 - The substances that acquire separate colours in acidic and basic mediums .
45 - Substances whose smell changes in in acidic or basic solution.
46- Substance do not react with any of the dilute acids.
47 - A by-product of a variety of human activities that release oxides of sulphur and 
48 - Name an acid used to remove ink spots.
49 - an acid used as an eye wash.
50 - A basic hydroxide which soluble in water.
51 - Name one strong alkalis.
52 - Name a hydroxide which is amphoteric in nature .
53 - Name a base used in manufacture of soap.
54 - Substance which is used to remove grease stains from clothes.
55 - The salts are formed by the partial replacement of the ionisable hydrogen atomsof a p             polybasic acid by a metal or an ammonium ion.
56 - Name a insoluble sulphate salt.
57- The phenomenon due to which salt formed by a weak acid and a strong base ,or by a 
       weak base and a strong acid,reacts with water to give an acidic or an alkaline solution.
58 - The process by which an acid neutralised with soluble base.
59 - A chemical change in which a compound breaks up into its elements or simpler 
60 - A chemical change in which a more active element displaces a less active element from
       its salt solution.
61 - A chloride which is insoluble in cold water but dissolves in hot water.
62 - Process by which hydrogen ions of an acid react completely with the hydroxyl ions of 
63 - Compound used in health salts.
64 - The white ,needle - shaped crystals are hydrated zinc sulphate.
65 - A chemical change ,in which two compounds in solution react to form two other 
       compounds by the mutual exchange of radicals.
66 - The crackling sound produce on heating crystals of sodium chloride.
67 - The property of some substances to lose wholly or partially their water of crystallisation
        when their crystals are exposed to dry air even for a short time.
68 - The substances absorbs moisture from the atmosphere without dissolving in it.
69 - The substances absorb moisture from the atmospheric air to become moist,and 
       ultimately dissolve in it.
70 - The impurities present in commercial version of salt.


Saturday 21 January 2017

Tricks with nonstandard angles & HEIGHT n DISTANCE

Heights and Distance

Trigonometric ratios find many uses. Among them is their use in determining HEIGHTS and DISTANCE of any object which has certain ANGLES and the measure of a related length.

Terminology used in this section

1– Angle of Elevation:Let O be the eye of an observer and in the  figure, object A is above the horizontal line O B . Angle θ is called the Angle of Elevation.

2– Angle of Depression: Again, O be the eye of an observer and object A is below the horizontal line O B .Angle θ is called Angle of depression .

Now it is clear from the adjoining figure (3) that the Angle of elevation and Angle of depression
always be equal.

You know the values of standard angles e.g.,0°,30°,45°,60°,90°
What about the values like 40°,74°,35° 24’,42°41’……so n.
Well there are some simple steps to know the values of nonstandard angles.
How to read table for nonstandard angles →

Reading the value of sin 33°  ,Sin 33°18’    ,33°27'.

To locate the value of 33°

Look at the extreme left column . you find the value of 33°0’.value is .5446..    
 So, Sin 33°= .5446  
To locate the value of 33°18

First you move to the right in the row of 33° till you reach the column of 18’.
 you find 5490 ,that is .5490. So Sin 33°18’ = 0.5490

 To locate the value of Sin 33°27'

First move to the right in the row of 33 till you reach the column of 24’.
you find 5505, that is .5505. So, Sin 33°27’ = 0.5505 + mean difference  for 3’                 
                                                                       = 0.5505  + 7 = 0.5512 


This section illustrate the process of solving problems rel
ated to HEIGHT and DISTANCE in very easy way…

1 A ladder rests against a vertical wall such that the top of the ladder reaches the top of the wall .The ladder is inclined at 60°  with the ground ,and the bottom of the ladder is 1.5 m away from the foot of the wall. FIND (A) the length of the ladder, and  (B) the height of the wall.

        SOLUTION →           First draw a diagram according to question

(A)     A O =length of ladder                      

      A B =height of the wall,   ⇒      B O =1.5 m

       Cos 60° = base / hypotanuse =BO/AO  = 1.5 / AO          A O = 1.5 2 = 3 m
(B)   tan 60° = Altitude / base  = AB / BO          √3  = AB / 1.5   AB = √3 1.5
                                                                                   =2.6 m               (∵√3 =1.732)

 (2)  - vertical pillar and a tower 120 m high are in the same horizontal plane .from the top of the tower , the angle of depression of the top and the foot of the pillar are 45° and 60°. Find
 (A) The distance between the pillar and the tower.     (B)The height of the pillar .


                    Draw a diagram according to question 

AB = length of pillar
DC =length of tower 
BD = distance between pillar and tower
     Angle of elevation = angle of depression
 ⊾CBD = 60°  ,   ⊾CAH = 45°
      Tan 60°= Altitude / base   = DC / BD         √ 3 = 120 /BD   
   BD = 120 / √ 3    = 120 / 1.732       = 69.16 m              (∵ √3 = 1.732 )

   tan 45°= Altitude / base = CH / AH              1 = DC - HD / BD               ( ∵AH = BD )
   1 = 120 - HD /69.16             69.16 = 120 –HD
   HD = 120 – 69.16 = 50.84 m
  AB = HD = 50.84 m

NOTE: For any queries or suggestion please post a comment :) !


Tuesday 17 January 2017

Why you should never Mock-Up Trigonometric Table!

There is no need to learn 


 Just look how to prepare a TRIGONOMETRIC table
Divide all the numbers by 4.
Take square root of all the numbers

All these angle value belongs to Sinθ ,reversing of these value gives Cosθ.

NOTE: For any Query please post a comment. And Sharing is caring, so share my blog.


Monday 16 January 2017


Do you think MATH is hard ?

Some really interesting concepts in mathematics.Want to learn TRIGONOMETRY?

TRIGONOMETRY -is all about right angled (90°) triangle.

We usually know another angle θ .Opposite the right angle  the longest side is the HYPOTENUSE.
The special function Sine, Cosine, and Tangent help us.
1 - Sin θ = altitude/hypotenuse    
2 – Cos θ = base/hypotenuse
3 – tan θ=altitude/base
4 – Cosec θ = hypotenuse/altitude = 1/Sin θ
5 – Sec θ = hypotenuse/base =1/Cos θ
6 – Cot θ = base/altitude = 1/tan θ
7 – tan θ= Sin θ/Cos θ
8 – Cot θ=Cos θ/Sin θ

Trigonometric Identities:

There are a number of fundamental trigonometric identities.
(A)  Sin² θ + Cos²θ = 1
(B)  1 + tan²θ = Sec²θ
(C)  1 + Cot²θ = Cosec²θ

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Why you should never Mock-Up Trigonometric Table!

There is no need to learn   TRIGONOMETRIC TABLE   Just look how to prepare a TRIGONOMETRIC table Number 0 1 2 3 4 Angle 0...